In 2015, CBE Group provided 45 moulds to the Consorcio Expresso Linha 6 for the sixth line of the São Paulo metro. CBE Group designed, produced and installed an automated plant which handled the segment production on site.
15,3 km long line, carrying more than 600 000 passengers a day
CBE Group had also provided the moulds for the 5th subway line in São Paulo. Brazil has launched the construction of the 15,3km 6th line, which is expected to open by 2020, with 15 stations between Brasilândia and São; more than 633 000 passengers are expected per day.
For this project, CBE Group moulds are used for precasting segments which will form the master ring of the tunnel, with an internal diameter of 9410 mm and an external diameter of 10210 mm, a thickness of 400mm and a width of 1800 mm. The master ring is composed of 6 standard segments, 2 counter-keys and 1 key.
A tailor-made automated plant
The automated precast plant was designed at CBE Group headquarters in France, the components have been produced in our factories: rails, concreting station, a four-line curing chamber, unmoulding station, finishing line etc. The supply included the lifting equipment such as four motorized flanges for storage. After being shipped to Brazil, the carousel was put together by CBE Group engineers in cooperation with the Cosorcio Expresso Linha 6 technical staff. A CBE Group carousel can produce up to 40 segments in eight hours.
CBE Group, tunnelling expert, offers you tailor-made solutions for the optimization of your project. Please contact us or ask us directly for a quote.